Anxiety Therapy in Victoria, BC

Natural Treatment for Anxiety

Counselling to Understand and Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is a journey with many paths, and it's one that you don't have to travel alone. Therapists at Bodymind Counseling recognize that anxiety isn't a one-size-fits-all experience. It can manifest in countless ways, from a persistent sense of unease to sudden, overwhelming anxiety attacks that seem to come out of nowhere.

Our experienced anxiety therapists in Victoria, BC are dedicated to providing a safe and understanding environment. We believe in a holistic approach, considering all aspects of your well-being, to guide you towards a life where anxiety doesn't dictate your choices.


Counselling To Transform Your Life

A Body-Centred Approach to Anxiety Treatment

Our unique approach to anxiety therapy extends beyond traditional talk therapy. We focus on a body-centred method, guiding you to connect with and understand the signals of your body. This can be very effective in uncovering the deeper roots of anxiety, offering a path to healing and understanding.

In our sessions, we encourage you to notice and reflect on your bodily sensations, recognizing them as rich sources of information. This experiential method not only helps in understanding your anxiety but also teaches you grounding and breathing techniques. These skills empower you to manage anxiety more effectively, fostering a deeper sense of presence and self-awareness.

For some clients, a body-focused approach can actually increase anxiety, at least initially, so there is never a one size fits all way to treat anxiety. Our counsellors are flexible and adaptive and always curious to know what is working, and what is not working, with individual clients.


Types of Anxiety

We recognize that anxiety manifests in various forms, each with its distinct challenges. Understanding the type of anxiety you're facing is a step in your healing journey. You might find these aspects resonate with your experience:

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD):

Characterised by persistent and excessive worry about various aspects of life, such as work, health, or relationships. This type of anxiety often involves a continuous sense of dread and fear.


Panic Disorder:

Marked by recurring panic attacks, that may include physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, or feeling out of control.

Social Anxiety Disorder:

This involves fear or anxiety in social situations, where one feels scrutinised or judged by others. It can lead to avoidance of social interactions and significant distress in social settings.


Specific Phobias:

These are intense fears of specific objects or situations, such as heights, flying, or certain animals, which can lead to avoidance behaviour.


Taking Steps to Managing Anxiety

Delaying action in seeking help for anxiety can often lead to a deepening of symptoms and challenges. When anxiety is left unaddressed, it can escalate in all aspects of your life – from personal relationships to professional performance.

Taking action now, no matter how small it may seem, is a crucial step towards reclaiming control over your life and well-being.

Our approach to anxiety therapy not only focuses on immediate relief but also on building long-term resilience.

Taking that first step towards counselling can feel daunting. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Reach out today.


Connect with an Anxiety Counsellor in Victoria, BC

Reach out for a complimentary consultation session with one of our counsellors based in Victoria. This is a pressure-free opportunity for us to explore together if our approach aligns well with your needs. It's all about finding the right fit to support you finding freedom from anxiety. You can also book online yourself, 24 hours a day.


Frequently Asked Questions about Anxiety Counselling

  • The usual session length is 50 minutes. By request, we can also offer 75 minute sessions for those who prefer more time and space to explore and work on the underlying issues.

  • The answer to “how long will therapy take to help my anxiety” really depends on a number of variables. While you will likely experience improvement within 5-10 sessions, long standing issues cannot be resolved overnight. We recommend committing to at least 3 sessions to start – this will give you time to get a feel for whether you and your therapist are able to work together well, and whether you feel positive about their approach to treating your anxiety.

    Rather than thinking in terms of number of sessions, often people with complicated trauma histories and many ACEs are better served by seeking out a therapist that they feel comfortable and safe with, and then thinking about counselling as an ongoing investment in their wellbeing and recovery over time.

  • At Bodymind Counselling we are clinical counsellors, and we do not prescribe or advise about whether to try medication. You will need to speak to a doctor or a psychiatrist for that. For cases of moderate to severe anxiety, research shows that clients are most often helped by a mix of medication (if desired) and counselling. Some people really want to try and treat their anxiety without medication and we are supportive if that is a client’s choice. There is a lot we can do to try to improve anxiety without pharmaceutical support! And, if you are already taking or are considering taking anti-anxiety medication, therapy is an excellent adjunct support for your recovery.

  • We are bound as clinical counsellors to create a safe and confidential environment for you in your counselling experience. Everything discussed in sessions is completely confidential, with the exception of certain specific situations that apply to all counsellors. Your counsellor will review these with you in your first session and make sure that you are fully aware of them. (These include things like disclosure of child abuse, or imminent and serious risk of harm to self or others.)

  • We have a range of price points at Bodymind Counselling, from $60 per session with a student, up to $160 per session with our clinical director. Please see the fees page for more information.


The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)


Trauma Counselling in Victoria BC